Monday, October 5, 2009

A look back at the Strathmere Library so far

A peek inside of the Library July 2009
The children's section has a nice selection of children's books and magazines, and the tv will be used for viewing DVDs and videos.

The team at the Schiavo Library are still working to get all of the donated books logged into their computer system and out on the shelves, but there is already a nice selection of books to check out. When you join as a member, there are books that you can check-out for 2 weeks, and there are 'Beach Books' which are in a special section. Those books you can just take and return whenever.


On the other side of the Library is a seating area to read the selections of newspapers and magazines provided by the Library.


More books and seating for reading. And there are 3 computers for members to use, great for checking your emails while you're on vacation.


There is a special display in this pretty case, showing momentos from the life of Rita Schiavo - a baby dress, a hat, photos and letters.

Also, in the entranceway, there are display cases on each side which will house the Library's Mini Museum - rotating collections of Strathmere memorabilia and other collections.

A party was held on 6/26/09 to celebrate the official opening of the Dr. Rita C. Schiavo Memorial Library in Strathmere. Josie Berndt sent the pictures below of the dedication ceremony.


September 2008


Strathmere Library June 2008


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